• March 20, 2018
  • Luke

Tips for Creating Beautiful and Effective Emails

I, like most people, send and receive a lot of emails on a daily basis. Some of those emails capture my attention better than others. That got me thinking about what makes an effective (meaning it is read) email. For those that attended my session at BRAINSTORM 2017, you will recognize many of these suggestions!

There are several components to consider when creating an email.

Visual Appeal

Before we have a chance to read an email, we notice how it looks. First impressions are key so let’s consider a few tips to increase the chance of creating a good first impression.

What will you say?

We are all busy, often multi-tasking and our attention span is very short. Remember that as your guiding principle to decide what information needs to be included.

A Picture says a thousand words

Images are often a nice touch in emails and they help with identification and message communication. A few key things to note about images:

The Footer

All emails should have a few standard elements in the footer to make things easier for your reader.

Hope that helps you as you send out the emails to all your various audiences. If you have any questions about sending emails through CampBrain, don’t hesitate to give us a call.

Happy Emailing!


Luke by a bush

Love your Software, LukeW lukew@campbrain.com