When we are discussing features and enhancements to the software, we try to use the camp administrator as our “guide”. We’ll ask questions like “where does this fit in the camp admin’s process?”, “will this save time or mean less work for the camp admin?” or “does this impact anything else the camp admin is doing with the software?” In other words, we focus pretty heavily on the needs of the camp administrator!

Recently, that conversation started to explore all the tasks camp admins take on – the sheer breadth of the job and the number of people they impact. For anyone in the camp world, they know what we mean here. It is not a surprise. There are thousands of camp offices (we have seen many of them!) and a very common theme is that they have that “cornerstone” person, the camp administrator, who enables camp to be camp. They take care of all the details in the background – without them and their enormous effort, camp simply cannot run.

We thought it would be fun to highlight the role of the camp administrator in general and, more importantly, to have a forum where individuals could be recognized. After some brainstorming and refining, we thought of the “hall of fame”, the Camp Administrator Hall of Fame. We could put our expertise and effort into maintaining and sponsoring a website that honoured the very people we have the privilege of working with every day.

The part that appeals to me the most is the time taken by a camp director/ED/owner/board member to publicly acknowledge the great work done by their teammate. It’s such a nice gesture – sure, winning is great…but, I think the acting of nominating is the prize itself.

The process is simple – an easy form to complete and submit online. We will accumulate all nominations, put together a panel to select the nominations that will move forward for voting purposes and then open the voting to determine the inductee into the Hall of Fame! To add some fun to it, there is $1500 in play plus a custom inscribed paddle.

So, with that, I invite you to nominate your camp admin today.

I hope you had a safe and successful summer at camp!

Love your camp admin,
